
Oct 20, 2011

Coronary Heart World's Number One Killer

Coronary heart disease is still the number one killer of human
Indonesia even in the world. The latest data from the WHO said 60 percent of all deaths from coronary heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest. There are many factors that cause a person's risk of heart disease terkenan. Of the factors that can not be changed ie age, gender and heredity. While the risk factors that can be altered, eg due to diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyper cholesterol and smoking.
In addition, symptoms of heart disease that usually afflicts a person with the age of 55 years and over for men and 65 years for women. However, there are exceptions for those who have risk factors such as heavy smokers or descent. Symptoms usually feels pain in the back of the chest and it felt like pressure. Chest tightness and shortness of breath going to explode. Usually the symptoms were attacked when someone is doing high activity. In fact, pain may radiate to the arms, back and jaw.It is better if a person has such symptoms immediately to the doctor. Because, if the pain is already over six hours can be fatal. Heart muscles will not work anymore and of course the worst result is death. Handling of coronary heart disease can be done in three stages, the drug dissolves blood clots librinolisis, open the blood flow with angioplasty and by pass.
Given the high mortality from heart disease, Heart and Vascular Medicine Section Faculty of Medicine held a First Jogja Cardiology Update, Friday and Saturday this week at the Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort and Spa. Activity is a step, so that the field of cardiology practitioners can provide a complete service in the handling of cardiovascular disorders. It aims to enable participants to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field kadiovaskuler and cardiac surgery, based on research and field's latest developments.
Meanwhile, the number of people with diabetes or diabetes mellitus in Indonesia reached 17 million people or 8.6 percent of the population. That is, Indonesia occupy the 4th largest after India, China and the United States. Increased diabetes sufferers in Indonesia, due to people's lifestyles that do not pay attention to healthy lifestyles such as eating balanced diet and adequate exercise.
Diabetes is a disease where a person's blood sugar levels exceed normal limits, due to the pancreas gland is not functioning normally cultivate sugar levels, so one must control and diet in order to keep sugar levels normal and not cause complications. If people with diabetes are not able to control blood sugar levels, there will be complications such as stroke, kidney failure, heart disease, blindness and even had to undergo amputation if limb injuries that can not be dried blood.
Survey of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001 put the number of people with DM in Indonesia reached 8.6 percent, an increase in the amount of DM in Jakarta from 1.7 percent in 1981 to 5.7 percent in 1993. International Diabetic Federation (IDF) estimates that the total Indonesian population aged 20 years or older suffer from diabetes mellitus as many as 5.6 million people in 2001 and will rise to 8.2 million in 2020, Health Department Survey 2001 there were 7.5 percent of the population of Java and Bali suffer from DM.

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